Celebrating Motherhood, Mother's Day Brunch
Hey Mom. You are doing a great job! I just want you to know that you are doing enough, you are loved, and you are appreciated. This Mother's Day, I hope you feel cherished and celebrated. You work tireless hours at home or at your job and all you want in this world is for your little ones to know you care. You do it all. You are super human. And May 14th is your day to hear the pitter patter of feet bringing you a sweet homemade treat. Is there anything better than the gift your little person spent time making? And the sweet look of happiness as they proudly show-off what they more than likely made at school. Aren't teachers the best? They are always looking out for us moms on this super sweet holiday.
If you are like me, all you want on Mother's Day is an extra big hug and to have breakfast made for you. You make breakfast everyday for your little tribe and isn't extra nice to take one day off and see how well they can manage without you? It doesn't even have to be anything special. A half a grapefruit and a cup of yogurt is just perfect. No fuss necessary.
Or, maybe you have a fun family tradition. We tried to make going to the horse-races our yearly tradition. I think it really takes the pressure off if you have something you do every year. However, the past two years the weather has not been great for being outdoors. We love going out to the track, our daughter loves looking at the horses and we have fun making our tiny bets. We get to be outdoors and the track near us is super family-friendly.
Maybe your tradition is a brunch or a lunch with your mom. I make reservations for just about every occasion. I am a planner and hate waiting in super long lines just to eat. But I do find that holiday dining can be quite expensive. Instead you could throw a potluck brunch for your mom, with each sibling bringing a dish. Or, a cookout could be a lot of fun. Just add some Mother's Day flair by having a flower centerpiece, an extra special dessert that your mother loves, and some of our lovely flower tableware. We pulled together a few looks that your mom should swoon over.
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We can't wait to hear about YOUR special day.
XOXO & Happy Mother's Day!