FAQ | Pixie Dust Party Spot
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How quickly will you ship?
A: We generally will ship the next day, unless you place your order on Saturday and then it should ship out on Monday. Please email if you have a specific event date, hello@pixiedustpartyspot.com
Q: Can I track my order?
Yes! You will receive an email when your order ships with your tracking information. If you don't see one in a day or two after placing your order, email us! Email: sales@pixiedustpartyspot.com
Q: Do you ship internationally?
Not at this time. If we get enough interest we will reconsider shipping internationally.
Q: Is it possible to change an order once it is submitted?
A: Yes, please let us know right away and we usually can make a change. Just remember we try to ship your orders out quickly so you must contact us right away. Email: Sales@pixiedustpartyspot.com
Q: What is your return policy?
A: We accept returns within 14 days of the delivery date to you.
We will issue a full credit on products returned in good condition. Items that are used, bent or otherwise damaged will not be eligible for credit. Holiday items are not returnable after the holiday. Please notify us that the items are coming back to receive a return authorization number and shipping address.
Email: sales@pixiedustpartyspot.com
We love our Customers and we love Great Customer Service please do contact us if you have any questions!