A New Adventure
For so many years I have wondered, thought about, questioned, how to make a bigger impact on others. It always stems from what you spend the most time doing. Those of you that know me, know I taught for many years. It seemed like a great way to make an impact on a bunch of people, kids, you name it. And it kept me connected to the community. However, life happens and things and your plans change along the way. I stopped teaching and started working full time at The Good Feet Store, from home It was a struggle, I am not around people, and I can’t see the impact I am making day to day outside of my house. However, it was needed so I could make an impact inside my house.
I am now in the position to use everything I have learned over the years to help others again. This time with the opening of my own “The Good Feet Store”. You don’t know how lucky and terrified, terrified big time, I am to be embarking on this journey. We have four kids that need us, three that live with us, one that doesn’t. But, that one that doesn’t she was the one who needed us the most this past year to fight for her. That is a story for another day, but to see the progress she has made in the past year is worth it. It just seemed like for the past four years, we were jumping from one battle to the other to help our kids. Now, it is time for us to help a bigger community.
The Good Feet Store makes such a difference to all the people who walk in our doors, it doesn’t matter if it is a customer or an employee. We are in the business of changing lives for the better. When you give someone back their lives, when you allow them to partake in activities they gave up years ago, when you see someone walk in with pain and walk out pain free you know you have a purpose. Our purpose is to spread the word and to make our product available to everyone. By opening our first store in East Texas this is going to allow others to be able to have The Good Feet experience. I know everything has led up to this point, what I don’t know is what the heck I am doing!
I have no experience in opening a store! Yes, I have opened an online store before. But, I know nothing about lease negotiations, insurance requirements, construction talks. I only know how to run a store once it is open, and even with that, I have a lot still to learn. Luckily, I have some wonderful people at my side. My parents are great at offering insight and experience, I have reached out to college friends, sorority sisters to help. The Good Feet franchise owners, managers, and corporate employees are always quick to answer any questions. However, sometimes I don’t even know what questions I am supposed to ask!
I will share as much of this journey as I can over the next several months, and we will see how this all goes. In the meantime, get the word out. Tyler, Texas we are heading your way! We picked up the keys this weekend for our space and we have about 6 months of work to try to pull off in the next 4, while my husband and I work our normal jobs, have 4 kids to run around, and all the fastly approaching holidays. It is going to be something….